itendeesru +39 0522 554200 Пн.–пт. 08:00 - 12:30 / 13.30 - 17.00 Via Raffaello 33, Z.I. Mancasale - 42124 Reggio Emilia Italy


As per last Government Decree, from today, May 4th 2020, OMIG team is back to work and all departments are ready to go back to their full production capacity!

Business owners and some few authorized employees have worked hard for a week to get the whole working area safe for a “new beginning”.

Very qualified professionals and our precious team, made these activities easier and quicker:


√ we’ve spent many days to sanitize all rooms and production area

√ we’ve hung up the safety rules signage all around the company area as by law

√ many sanitizer dispensers have been placed around


Not only …

we’ve personally tried the best procedure to arrive/go out, where and how taking employees’ temperature, how giving people sanitary masks and we’ve organized lunch room removing some tables and chairs so that people will have their meals respecting the distance requested.

Working hours and our 3 shifts have been organized to guarantee a lower number of employees at each shift to keep them safe without compromising the production process. Coffee / Lunch breaks have been re-organized so a reduced number of people will be together


Anyway, we still prefer “virtual” meeting with our external partners in order that only employees will be inside the building to assure a safe environment.


So we are ready and super “efficient” to reply your emails, phone calls or “video-calls”.