itendeesru +39 0522 554200 Lun - Vie 08:00 - 12:30 / 13.30 - 17.00 Via Raffaello 33, Z.I. Mancasale - 42124 Reggio Emilia Italy


The recent Decree issued on 22nd March by Italian Government to face COVID19 Emergency forces the complete shutdown of all manufacturing activities not related to essential goods production and distribution.

For this reason OMIG STOPS ALL PRODUCTIVE PROCESSES, SHIPMENTS and LOGISTICS from 23rdMarch 2020 to 3rd April 2020 included, excepted from different agreements within today, 23rd March 2020


However, we cannot guarantee the real reopening date now as it depends on the medical situation development in our country in the following 2 weeks.

Also, we’d like to inform that possible future delayed shipments and/or any other difficulties concerning our productive process and services, might be related to this present unpredictable and out of our own control critical situation.

We believe in our own responsibility and public spirit so we’ll strictly follow these restrictions to overcome this hard time as soon as possible, sure of your understanding and cooperation!