itendeesru +39 0522 554200 Lun - Vie 08:00 - 12:30 / 13.30 - 17.00 Via Raffaello 33, Z.I. Mancasale - 42124 Reggio Emilia Italy

Omig takes part in EIMA DIGITAL PREVIEW 2020 from 11th to 15th November 2020

Omig officially announces its participation in EIMA DIGITAL PREVIEW 2020 that will occur in a virtual exhibition centre from 11th to 15th November 2020.

Federunacoma and Eima International have thought that COVID 19 couldn’t stop the chance of meetings and sharing experiences between professionals: this has always been the main objective of EIMA INTERNATIONAL, one of the most important fair in the world for agricultural industry!

Pandemic emergency has surely speeded up a digitalization process for Fair Trade too that probably it would be got in a longer time! We could say it’s the only positive side of this sudden crisis!

Organizers introduced this new VIRTUAL EDITION on 23rd July: they described in details how the “digital exibition centre” will look like but, mostly, they emphasised the top quality and high number of professionals involved including expositors, experts and press.

Omig is one of the over 2000 companies that welcome you in its VIRTUAL STAND: you’ll discover our Mission, our innovative technology…and our QUALITY!!

We are more than happy to set on line appointments through the EIMA DIGITAL PREVIEW platform, perfectly created to encourage business matching as if you were there…right in front of us!

So, we kindy invite you to get in touch to plan your time slot in advance. Send your request to

While waiting for meeting you in person again at EIMA INTERNATIONAL in February 2021, we will welcome you in our DIGITAL STAND in November!